S2E3 – The Lincoln Imp & The Red Book of Appin with Jon Long

The Lincoln Imp & The Red Book of Appin

The Loremen discover that Lincoln Green is people, and ride to windswept Argyll on an “entire” horse.

In Episode 3, James and Alasdair are joined by another Deputy Loreman: award-having comedian and troubadour Jon Long.

Here’s the Lincoln Echo video Jon tells us about. (We were clearly joking about this guy. Do not sue us, please.)

A quick correction: It turns out St Mary’s unique porch in Chipping Norton is HEXagonal, not octagonal. And there are two other like it. Also, the Princess Di visit is not corroborated:


Finally, never let it be said that the Lincoln Echo can’t do clickbait titles:

Do You Like Lincoln’s Big Metal Face? (Lincoln Echo)


The Loremen are Alasdair Beckett-King & James Shakeshaft.

Deputy Loreman: Jon Long.

Music from La Lettre De Manon Valse played by Megone’s Orchestra, 1905.

Featured image: The Lincoln Imp by H. P. Clifford, from The Cathedral Church of Lincoln, by A. F. Kendrick, 1917.



@JamesShakeshaft | @MisterABK | @jonlongstandup